Treasure in Clay Jars


A place is prepared for you by the one who loves you. Above all others; Jesus, the lover of our souls invites us into a loving eternal relationship and desires for us to bring others along. We need not worry about deserving the way, as Jesus makes us deserving by his atonement and has prepared the way for us.

We will explore the Biblical metaphor of marriage as it relates to Jesus’ relationship with us, which is explicit in this Gospel passage.

- This is treasure he has secured for us by his cross, resurrection and ascension.
- This treasure is our joy, hope and destiny.
- This is treasure we are called to share.
- The Way is prepared for us!

2 Corinthians 4:1-12
Psalm 81:1-3
John 14:1-14

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Sharing in the Life of the Trinity


The doctrine of the Trinity isn't an abstract theological doctrine that isn't essential to our faith. No, the doctrine of the Trinity contains within it the highest promises of our salvation – the invitation to share in the creative and loving energies of God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – by becoming personally and corporately transformed into residents of a new world that is coming but is not yet.

Romans 8:12-17
Psalm 93
John 3:1-17

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The Holy Spirit: the Secret to Intimacy, Efficacy, and the Expansion of the Kingdom


For security reasons, the audio for this sermon has been removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We will be exploring the person of the Holy Spirit, his work, and his heart. As we do so, we will also be sharing stories about the Spirit's work in our current ministry and the new focus of ministry that we are stepping into as a family.

Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 150
John 16:7-15

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A Friend in High Places


“Everyone who believes in Jesus has been born of God” - 1 John 5:1

This passage from John 5 helps us understand the relationship we are to have with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the relationships we are to cultivate with each other flowing from the Great Commandments. Love of course is at the center of all this, but what does love include from Christ’s point of view, ascended to the throne of grace where he now sits?

1 John 5:6-15
Psalm 47
Luke 24:44-53

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