Bloodline: Go, And Do Likewise

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Bloodline: Go, And Do Likewise
Pastor Nick Braunschneider

In this concluding message in the Bloodline teaching series, we will examine the familiar story of the Good Samaritan. Who are our neighbors? How do we prove to be neighbors to those around us? Jesus tells us to “go, and do likewise.”

Message begins at 21:40.

James 2:13-18
Psalm 95
Luke 10:25-37

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Bloodline: The Blood Of The Nations, Poured Out For The Nations

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Bloodline: The Blood Of The Nations, Poured Out For The Nations
Pastor Nick Braunschneider

The Bible is clear that racial equality was established by God at Creation. But, this divinely-determined reality was quickly forgotten at the Fall. Only at the Cross do we find racial equality restored, reconciliation possible, and healing promised. For, it was there that the Blood of the nations was poured out...for the nations.

Message begins at 22:25.

Ephesians 2:12-22
Psalm 67
Matthew 1:1-17

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