Good Friday
Jesus, In My Place
Pastor Nick Braunschneider
A message on "the chief article, by which the Church stands and falls."
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22:1-11
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Every Sunday at 10am
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A message on "the chief article, by which the Church stands and falls."
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22:1-11
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Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, which calls to mind the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. This message will focus on Jesus' determination to fulfill His Father's will, in the face of humanity's fickle responses to Him.
Psalm 36:5-10
Mark 11:1-11a
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As we wrap up our Lenten study of Matthew 6, we'll revisit what Jesus says about the subject of rewards, and why the only prize worth laboring for is the one that God alone can supply.
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As we continue our study of Jesus' words in Matthew chapter 6, we take a look at the neglected practice of fasting. We'll learn about the important connection between our desires and our fasting.