Thursday Evening Worship Service: March 28, 2024

Thursday Evening Worship: Marc 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday

Sermon Title: "The New Covenant in Christ’s Blood"

Sermon: To appreciate more fully the Last Supper, and what was won at the cross, it's important to understand the New Covenant that was foretold by the prophets long ago.

Scriptures: Psalm 78:15-26, Mark 14:17-26

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Sunday Morning Worship Service: March 24, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship: Sunday-Marc 24, 2024

Palm Sunday

Msg #5: "Jesus Carries His Cross"

Sermon: Meditation on Jesus, who was the same Person whether He was being praised or reviled.

Scriptures: Mark 11:1-11a; Psalm 118:19-29

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Sunday Morning Worship Service: March 17, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship: Lent III, Sunday-Marc 17, 2024

Lenten Sermon Series: "This Land of Woe"

Msg #5: "Jesus Carries His Cross"

Sermon: This Sunday, Jesus takes the final steps that lead to the place of His crucifixion. We are told in John's Gospel that Jesus went out to Golgotha "bearing His own cross" (19:17). "Carrying the cross" is a biblical phrase that is full of meaning, both in terms of our understanding of what Jesus endured for us, as well as the practical implications it places on our lives as His followers.

Scriptures: Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 51:10-17; Luke 23:26-32

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Sunday Morning Worship Service: March 10, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship: Lent III, Sunday-Marc 10, 2024

Lenten Sermon Series: "This Land of Woe"

Msg #4: "Jesus Receives a Crown of Thorns"

Sermon: After being scourged, Jesus is now taken inside the governor's headquarters. It is here that He is beaten further, and also mocked. When great mental pain combines with intense physical suffering, and darkness descends and doesn't lift, what carries you through? We are not the people we so often imagine ourselves to be. And yet, Jesus bled for us still.

Scriptures: Isaiah 50:4-10; Psalm 126; Mark 15:16-20

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